Saturday, November 15, 2008

Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer is one of the best people I know who can relate teachings in the Bible in a very real and practical way. She has written over 80 books and has a worldwide ministry that helps thousands of children. Here are links to her resources:


Becoming Debt Free Episode 1 Part I

Becoming Debt Free Episode 1 Part II
Becoming Debt Free Episode 1 Part III
Becoming Debt Free Episode 2 Part I
Becoming Debt Free Episode 2 Part II
Becoming Debt Free Episode 2 Part III
Self-Image Part I
Self-Image Part II

You can find out more about Joyce at her website by clicking here.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic was born without limbs, but he did not let that circumstance hold him back from life. His story is one of the most inspiring I've ever seen, and his ministry has (at the point of this post) directly impacted over 1 million people around the world. Here are links to his resources:


A Life Without Limits

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries Part I of III
No Arms, No Legs, No Worries Part II of III
No Arms, No Legs, No Worries Part III of III

You can visit Nick's website by clicking here.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dan Miller--Career Counselor

Most Americans spend 70,000+ hours of their life doing some sort of work, but we don't always put a lot of thought into it. Dan Miller specializes in helping people look at their gifts and talents and direct them into a career that they enjoy and can find purpose. Here are some resources from him:

You can visit Dan Miller's website by clicking here. I'm signed up for his newsletter and his podcast on iTunes. He has a lot of great information that personally helped me transition from an employee to being self-employed.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Napoleon Hill--Author of "Think and Grow Rich"

Commissioned by Andrew Carnegie to write a book on success, Napoleon Hill published the now classic Think and Grow Rich after decades of study. Here are links to his resources:

Audio with Photos:
You can visit The Napoleon Hill Foundation by clicking here.